Rational homotopy theory

Results: 30

11Differential geometry / Differential topology / Manifold / Homotopy / Rational homotopy theory / Representation theory / Surgery theory / Group theory / Symmetry / Topology / Geometric topology / Lie groups

Centre for Symmetry and Deformation Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen   Annual ReportJan - 31 Dec, 2011, “Year 2”)

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Source URL: sym.math.ku.dk

Language: English - Date: 2012-04-02 07:15:45
12Homotopy theory / Homology theory / Homological algebra / Binary operations / Cohomology / Rational homotopy theory / Cup product / Chain complex / Model category / Abstract algebra / Topology / Algebraic topology

THE STABLE FREE RANK OF SYMMETRY OF PRODUCTS OF SPHERES BERNHARD HANKE A BSTRACT. A well known conjecture in the theory of transformation groups states that if p is a prime and (Z/p)r acts freely on a product of k sphere

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Source URL: www.math.uni-augsburg.de

Language: English - Date: 2013-12-05 22:03:02
13Algebraic topology / Fiber bundles / Connection / Homotopy theory / Differential geometry / Vector bundle / Differentiable manifold / Holonomy / Principal bundle / Topology / Abstract algebra / Mathematical analysis

THE STRONG NOVIKOV CONJECTURE FOR LOW DEGREE COHOMOLOGY BERNHARD HANKE AND THOMAS SCHICK A BSTRACT. We show that for each discrete group Γ, the rational assembly map ∗ K∗ (BΓ) ⊗ Q → K∗ (Cmax

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Source URL: www.math.uni-augsburg.de

Language: English - Date: 2013-12-05 22:03:02
14Algebra / Category theory / Algebraic topology / E∞-operad / Operad theory / Model category / Homotopy group / Rational homotopy theory / Hopf algebra / Homotopy theory / Topology / Abstract algebra


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Source URL: math.univ-lille1.fr

Language: English - Date: 2014-03-02 01:51:56
15Vector bundles / Differential topology / Algebraic topology / Homotopy theory / Algebraic geometry / Line bundle / Abelian variety / Ample line bundle / Fiber bundle / Topology / Abstract algebra / Geometry

Mathematical Research Letters 7, 1–[removed]LINE BUNDLES, RATIONAL POINTS AND IDEAL CLASSES

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Source URL: www.math.ucsb.edu

Language: English - Date: 2001-10-05 16:50:00
16Homotopy theory / Homology theory / Homological algebra / Binary operations / Cohomology / Rational homotopy theory / Cup product / Chain complex / Model category / Abstract algebra / Topology / Algebraic topology

THE STABLE FREE RANK OF SYMMETRY OF PRODUCTS OF SPHERES BERNHARD HANKE A BSTRACT. A well known conjecture in the theory of transformation groups states that if p is a prime and (Z/p)r acts freely on a product of k sphere

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Source URL: www.math.uni-augsburg.de

Language: English - Date: 2013-12-05 22:03:02
17Algebraic topology / Fiber bundles / Connection / Homotopy theory / Differential geometry / Vector bundle / Differentiable manifold / Holonomy / Principal bundle / Topology / Abstract algebra / Mathematical analysis

THE STRONG NOVIKOV CONJECTURE FOR LOW DEGREE COHOMOLOGY BERNHARD HANKE AND THOMAS SCHICK A BSTRACT. We show that for each discrete group Γ, the rational assembly map ∗ K∗ (BΓ) ⊗ Q → K∗ (Cmax

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Source URL: www.math.uni-augsburg.de

Language: English - Date: 2013-12-05 22:03:02
18Algebras / Coalgebra / Associative algebra / Operad theory / Lie algebra / F-coalgebra / Rational homotopy theory / Abstract algebra / Category theory / Mathematics

Strong homotopy algebra categories via co-rings over operads Jonathan Scott Ontario Topology Seminar July 31, [removed]

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Source URL: www.fields.utoronto.ca

Language: English - Date: 2007-08-07 15:14:31
19Homology theory / Algebraic topology / 3-manifolds / Finite type invariant / Homotopy / Knot invariant / Singular homology / Rational homotopy theory / Clifford Taubes / Topology / Homotopy theory / Knot theory

SOME PROBLEMS ARISING FROM HOMOTOPY-THEORETIC METHODS IN KNOT THEORY ´ May 25, 2010 ISMAR VOLIC, This is a partial list of some interesting questions that arose in the past decade or so from

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Source URL: palmer.wellesley.edu

Language: English - Date: 2010-05-25 22:15:28
20Complex analysis / Homeomorphisms / Algebraic topology / Homotopy theory / Riemann surfaces / Monodromy / Mapping class group / Moduli space / Quasiconformal mapping / Topology / Abstract algebra / Mathematical analysis

From dynamics on surfaces to rational points on curves Curtis T. McMullen∗ 22 January, 1999 M. Jourdain: You mean when I say, ‘Nicole, bring me my slippers...’, I’m speaking in prose?

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Source URL: www.math.harvard.edu

Language: English - Date: 2010-04-02 19:55:15